Dietary Changes

One Step At A Time!

Going from a high processed diet to a whole food diet isn't easy. Processed foods is additive and eliminating foods like refined flour, sugar, table salt and caffeine will take time. People are never ready to make an over night dietary transformation, and that's OK.  Take some healthier little steps to change your diet. Over time, those healthy steps will add up and remain a part of a healthier lifestyle.

Here are some easy ways to take first steps to changing your diet.

  1. Eat 3 squares meals per day and sit at your kitchen table and chew your food slowly!
  2. Include protein in each meal.
  3. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. How much water should you drink? Divide your body weight by 2 and drink that amount in ounces. For example: 150pds / by 2 = 75 ounces in water. 
  4. Get up 15 minutes earlier and make a homemade breakfast.
  5. prepare a brown bag lunch the night before.
  6. Wean yourself off of one unhealthy food/substance at time.  
  7. Learn how to cook from scratch by trying one new recipe at a time (see our recipe box).
  8. Switch from table salt to unrefined sea salt.
  9. Switch from whole wheat bread to Ezekiel Sprouted Bread.
  10. Eat more fruits and vegetables. We all need at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. 
  11. Don't go grocery shopping when you are hungry. An empty stomach makes all the junk food more tempting.
  12. Get more omega-3 essential fatty acids. Eat fish at least twice per week. If you don't want to eat fish, buy some flax seed oil. You can drizzle the oil on sandwiches, vegetables or salads.
  13. If you must eat at a fast food restaurant, choose a grilled chicken or chicken, a baked potato, steam veggies and or salad.