The pale orange melon is also very high in vitamin C, providing 122% of your daily value with every one-cup serving. Vitamin C has been proven to reduce inflammation and promote healthy immune system functioning, and people with high levels of vitamin C in their diet live longer and experience less sickness and disease.
Besides vitamin C, cantaloupe is loaded with beta-carotene, which prevents against cancer and macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness. Even better, beta-carotene turns into vitamin A in the body, which is also essential for lung and eye health and can drastically reduce the chance of developing cataracts as you age.
Cantaloupe also comes packed with potassium, vitamin B6, niacin (vitamin B3) and fiber, all nutrients that are essential in proper body functioning. Fiber in particular helps promote a balanced digestive system and can help dieters and others watching their weight by providing that “full” feeling.
As if that weren’t enough, cantaloupes are also full of antixidants, which help prevent damaging free radicals from attaching to the body’s cells. Cantaloupes contain oxykine, an extract that reduces diabetes-induced oxidative stress and kidney cell damage, as well as adenosine, which is a blood-thinning agent used be heart-disease patients. Whether you are healthy or fighting disease, cantaloupes should be on your menu frequently. Makes you wonder diabetics are discourage from eating fruits.
It is a shame that IC patients have also been discourage from eating foods enriched in vitamin C. We need vitamin C to helps us absorb Iron as well many other things.
Change the old way of thinking and start eating cantaloupe not only is it exceptional good for you it is also low in calories. 56 calories per cup.
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