I receive at least a half a dozen email per month from woman who ask if myself or if I know of other woman with IC are losing their hair. The answer is "Yes"!
Jane Doe, your not alone when it come to hair loss. Many patients are or have experienced hair loss for a number of reasons and although it is rampart in the IC community we are not the only one's experiencing hair loss. People with a variety of illness experience hair loss but it usually is for the same reason which nutrients and vitamin deficiency.
A lack of various vitamins such as A, C, E, and B12,6,5 and 3, folic acid which is B9 and helps with the absorption of b12.
Unlike most nutrients, absorption of vitamin B12 actually begins in the mouth, where small amounts of unbound crystalline B12 can be absorbed through the mucous membrane. Food protein-bound vitamin B12 is digested in the stomach by proteolytic gastric enzymes, which require an acid pH (meaning a neutral pH of 6.8 -7.0 and as we know most ICers do not have a constant pH which you can test your urine to see.
In addition, Antacid drugs may also inhibit the efficacy of gastric acids in this process and we all know that there are many ICers taking tums, prelief etc......which prevents the body from absorbing b12 and other nutrients. It also inhibits the absorption of medication.
I began experiencing hair loss in my early 40's and each year it got worse until I began eating a diet high in dark leafy greens and I added a b12 supplement which I no longer need to take.
Vitamin A - it needs to come from these types of foods -spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, apricots and peaches.
Vitamin C is also need for hair health. Blueberries and Parsley are a great source of vitamin C.
Vitamin E which is good for circulation as well as scalp circulation which can be found in dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds.
B3 is also need which is found in nuts, broccoli, asparagus and seafood.
B5 and 6 which also prevent hair loss and you can find it in corn, cauliflower, broccoli, winter squash, strawberries and raw sunflower seeds, vegetables.
We also need A to absorb D, we need C to absorb Iron and so on and so on ........we need lots of greens and we should eat them daily and a variety and we will get essential most of the vitamins we need.
We were not designed to take vitamins separately nor were we design to get our vitamins integrated from greens, fruits and vegetables. All doctors will tell you that it is always best to get it from your food first.
It most cases people have too much acid in the stomach which eats up the supplements before we get a chance to digest them and then have the body dispense them to were they need to go.......we actually absorb supplements better when we are in better health.
Eat your greens daily to prevent hair loss and to improve the health of your hair.
Be sure to eat a variety of greens and to avoid oxalate build up rotate your greens and avoid spinach (baby spinach is fine, it has not matured enough to have oxalate)beet tops, and rhubarb. Greens that maybe to acidic are Bitter cabbage
Endive, and Escarole.
Dark, Leafy Greens
Foods classified as dark, leafy greens contain vitamins C and E. These vegetables are known for being nutritional powerhouses due to their high level of nutrients.
Both of these vitamins are antioxidants that increase the blood circulation to your scalp. Increased circulation stimulates your hair follicles, which allows you to grow more hair. Dark, leafy greens include baby spinach, and a variety of other greens, including mustard greens, dandelion greens, turnip greens, chard, kale, romaine lettuce, watercress and mesclun.Eating greens in either raw or cooked form will supply you with rich amounts of both vitamins.