"Until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will never stand in favor compared with the products of nature, the living cell of the plant, the final result of the rays of the sun, the mother of all life." - T. A. Edison
The Healthiest Foods include whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and legumes. The Healthiest Foods are real foods, foods that are not processed with additional chemicals, preservatives, and additives.
The Healthiest Foods are those that are nutrient-rich. This means that they contain an abundance of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, fiber, omega-3s, and phytonutrients (nutrients only found in plants, many of which are antioxidants). Nutrients are important because the body needs them to grow, create energy and maintain its physiological functions.
Nutrients can also help to reduce inflammation; antioxidant nutrients protect your body from free radical damage, which can cause disease.
Research shows that those who eat the World's Healthiest Foods have less disease and therefore those who don't eat the World's Healthiest Foods run the risk of having diseases such as heart disease and some forms of cancer.
The plant structure of fruit is such that it contains its seeds. In biology, a “fruit” is part of a flowering plant that is grown from specific tissues of the flower, mainly one or more ovaries.
Does Fruit Make the Body More Acidic?
Many people mistakenly assume that acid in “acid fruits” will acidify the body. The chemistry of digestion demonstrates that this is not so. The mineral content of a food is the primary determining factor as to whether the food will produce an alkaline or an acid reaction in the body. Once the food has been digested, if acid minerals predominate as they do in MEATS and DAIRY for instance, the food will have an acid reaction in the body or will be acid-forming. Since alkaline minerals are dominant in almost all fruits, including the acid fruits, it is safe to say that fruit has an alkalizing effect upon the body. Fruits may not be as alkalizing as greens, but their reputation as acidifying foods is unfounded. We cannot, however, expect to eat acid-forming foods like cooked proteins, heated oils, and friend foods and remain free of disease.
You may have allergies to an acid fruit such as oranges. However, in most cases we can rid ourselves of this allergy once dairy/animal products are removed from the diet. After 6 months of ingesting no animal products, I was able to start introducing citrus fruits back into my diet with no bladder problems.
You can view a list of fruit by category HERE!
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