Is there and actually diet for IC patients? I have not seen a particular diet but, I have seen a list of foods which are maybe's, I don't understand why these list are being titled 'IC diet'.
EACH ONE OF US IS A UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL possessing his or her own distinct biochemcial variations and functional capacities in the world; there is no set, rigid diet that applies to everyone. In order to develop an appropriate diet that gives maximum support to every aspect of our lives, we need to individualize it so that it is totally functionally on all levels.
Nutritional Balancing honors the fact that we are all individuals with our own unique metabolic blueprint. It involves a different paradigm than traditional medicine. Standard medical treatment is based on the naming of a disease or a condition whereby a remedy or treatment is then prescribed. With Nutritional Balancing, the naming of the condition is not as critical; rather, it’s the understanding of the nature of the imbalance and then the balancing one’s unique biochemistry that is the starting point for healing and true health.
Nutritional balancing draws from many branches of science. Incorporating knowledge from the fields of biochemistry, physiology, nutrition, stress theory, pathology and psychology, this science is a synthesis that draws together many ideas. It presents a new and expanded approach to healing. It involves a precise means of assessing and monitoring the condition of the body chemistry.
There is no IC diet only a list of foods that are maybe's. There is no one diet for anyone and I might add if any of these so called diets worked we'd all be feeling much better. The only thing our diets should have in common is - nutrient dense foods. When you shop for food or you sit down to eat a meal ask yourself the following questions?
- Does this food have ingredients in it that I do not recognize or chemicals that I cannot pronounce?
- Does this piece of meat come from grass fed animal or a corn fed animal? Has it been injected with hormones, antibiotics and steroids?
- Should I be eating or drinking foods that have addictive stimulants that wreak havoc on my adrenals and hormones.
- Should I be eating processed food that has little to no nutrients or should I eat whole foods that have not been processed.
- Should I be eating organic fruits and vegetables or are conventional/GMO foods that have been sprayed with up to 96 different pesticides and herbicides.
- Should I be drinking process juice or am I better off squeezing it myself?
- Ask yourself am I eating a well balanced diet that is nutrient dense?
The two biggest problems are pasteurized dairy products and grains, grains should never be eaten unless sprouted. Meat is another issue due to the corn (which causes inflammation) antibiotics, hormones and steroids, and most of us are eating portions that are double what they should be. None of us need to eat more than 4 ounces of meat per day. If we eat small portions we certainly can afford to eat grass fed meat. A clean whole food diet was a huge part of my recovery. I have done extensive research regarding food, chemical and diets and now could not believe how condition and misinformed we are about the food we eat and the food we should not be eating.
You may be sensitive to strawberries but it doesn't mean everyone is sensitive to strawberries. I may be sensitive to ginger you may not be. You may be sensitive to herbal teas I may not be. You may be are sensitive to fermented foods such as sauerkraut but I may not be.
We did not pasteurize milk until 1894 and we did not have steel mills to process grain until the early 1900's and since then we have quadrupled our use of antibiotics. We have watched autoimmune diseases, allergies and many other disease soar, including addiction. You may not think one has to do with the other but the when we take in food that is refined, processed full of salt, sugar, caffeine and chemical they affects us physically and mentally.
We need to avoid processed foods not Vitamin C. I cannot tell you the number of woman I consult with who tell me they are on the so called IC, Endo or Candida diet, and they are constipated, in chronic pain, lacking iron and many other nutrients.
Ask yourself is the so called IC diet helping you or your fellow ICer?
Join Gloria Prater and Elisabeth Oas each Thursday at 1PM, CST were we will discuss a variety of subjects including diet.
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